Where we operate

We have worked on all major markets around the world and therefore have a strong understanding of strategic assets as well as risks.

We have met the japanese kaitzen with Toyota; the South Korea’s rise as an Asian tiger before with Daewoo and today with Hyundai; the clear fierce of China and the ever closer potential of India; the UE heart with his strategics countries; the USA force with its strategic unique model.

We initiated our journey in the automotive world and in media, sectors with multiple interests, from iron and steel to chemical, from finance to electronics, and where every single choice has strong implications related to sustainability and long-term strategies.

We provide analysis and risk mitigation support by offering a broader vision on multiple sectors from industry to finance thanks to the powerful network of relationships that now represents our very high added value.

We translate your strategy in your communication plan to guarantee engagement and impact of your actions in every country you need.